Vision Insurance

Vision Insurance

and What You Need to Know

Businesses aren’t required to offer vision insurance to their employees. However, having a simple vision plan offers multiple benefits to a company’s reputation and overall bottom line.


What Vision Insurance Does for the Individual

  • Cash for replacing eyewear and contact lenses
  • Exams to ensure no damage or infection of the eye
  • Percentage coverage for procedures needed

Our Motto

 “Healthcare Consulting on a Personalized Level

and at Good Faith that is exactly what
we believe in.

What Vision Insurance Does for the Business

  • Retain and attract top talent
  • Improve wellness of employees
  • Save money on tax strategies and business expenses

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention “Serious eye infections that can lead to blindness affect up to 1 out of every 500 contact lens users per year.

Talk To Us

If you have questions or concerns and want a quote or a review, please give one of our professional health agents a call!

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